a 8-week journey into reclaiming the wisdom that lives within your body

— In togetherness, you will learn how to belong to yourself —
You will expand your receptive capacity and become nourished by safety, self-honouring and emotional regulation

You’ve never been taught how to remain in your own energy and self-containment while you are in relationship to/with other people but inside this container, you will.

Welcome to a collective rising into the embodiment of the Sovereign Woman
To remember your true essence and fullest expression
To return back to your body and your being-ness
To redeem the wisdom that lives within you

This journey will break your heart, it will crack you wide open and restore your spirit from the inside out
It is not for the faint of heart
It will not serve those who are not willing

Journeying back into the parts of you that you have abandoned or vilified will bring you to your knees but it will also connect you back to the divinity that rests within you

Together, we will dissolve the the distortion that you’re broken to begin with.
We will thaw the shame that lives within your vessel
and anchor you back into what roots you

You have all the keys and all the codes to the life, business, abundance and freedom you desire
They live in your womb and in the cells of your DNA
Gather with us and explore the masks you had to wear to survive and untether yourself from the identities that have reinforced your smallness

“I am not the cause of other peoples feelings. Other people are allowed to experience the full range of human emotion. I don’t need to save anyone from pain or difficulty. I release the pattern of shrinking my truth to minimize someone else’s pain. other peoples feelings are not my responsibility. It is not my job to manage other peoples emotions. I am a free and sovereign being. Everyone around me is a free and sovereign being. I have no power over them. They have no power over me”
- jamila reddy

As a collective, women are being called to remember their own power - to reconnect back to the wisdom, inner knowing and feminine leadership we have been disconnected from to keep us in our smallness

We are being called back to our roots and to pick up the torch from where our ancestors left off

We are being asked to awaken the divinity that resides within each of us and remember that we have CHOICE, we have a VOICE and that we are already healed

As I have explored these gates in my own coming home and rise into sovereignty, I am now here to guide you through them. These will become the pillars of your liberation that you will continue to come back to and tend to as you move into deeper layers of remembrance and freedom, as they have mine.

We will spend one week in each gate exploring and revealing the codes to your own self-healing and deepening your personal practice of self-belonging, attunement and heathy co-regulation. If you are a healer, visionary or feminine leader, this will also support you in how you weave your own medicine into the collective.



In week one, we will enter the gate of self-healing where we will learn about trauma, the attachment styles, the trauma responses, how to come back into your body, self-attune and regulate your nervous system. In here, we are accessing the codes of our own divinity and tending to the parts of us that we have disconnected from.


In week two, we will journey into the restoration of your relationship with our inner child and become the parent that we as our adult selves, need. As we move through this gate, we will reinforce a secure attachment for our younger self and thaw the tapped energy that is frozen in time. Here we will unlock the gate to a liberation only received when our inner child is free.


In week three, we will journey into the reconciliation of our wounded inner feminine and good-girl programming. In here, we will explore the mother-daughter enmeshment and the ways we have learned to find safety in belonging through emotional care-taking, self-sacrifice and self-abandonment. Through this gate, we will reawaken the divine inner feminine who is trusting, self-sourcing, compassionate AND convicted.


In week four, we will journey into the redemption of our relationship to the masculine. In here, we will alchemize our wounded inner masculine and explore how patriarchal power programming has reinforced our smallness, diluted our power keeping us a damsel in distress, disconnected and dis-regulated. Through the fourth gate, we will soften into the safety of being supported so that our inner feminine feels secure, held and free to be in her divine essence.


In week five, we will journey through the gate of surrender and travel into the realm of healthy detachment. In here, you will be guided through how to release the tight grip we hold as a way to find control and a sense of security reclaiming the true sense of inner peace and safety that only you have access too. In here, we unshackle ourselves from our anxious attachment and move into a secure relationship with our desires, our expectations and surrender.


In week six, we will deep dive through the gate of restoration of self through healthy boundaries. In here, we will unwind the shame and guilt that has been instilled in us from childhood and repair the rupture through setting firm, healthy boundaries as a way of reclaiming choice, asserting our sovereignty as individuals and take back the right to define who we are and what will allow into our sacred space.

Within the restoration of your individualization, you inevitably will also be initiated into a portal of death and rebirth. In your homecoming, the inner safety you cultivate creates space to be honest with yourself, to set down the identities, roles and masks you have been wearing so you can reclaim your wholeness. You will be held by your inner mother as you grieve the parts of you, the unhealthy dynamics and relational enmeshments that had to be put to rest for you to fully receive the divinity within you.


In the final week, we will journey into embodying self-belonging. Through this gate, we will hand back the feelings, perceptions, experiences and responsibilities that are not ours to hold and root our feet into the nutrient-rich soil of sacred self-responsibility and embodied compassion.

Emotional Alchemy is the exploration into holding the uncomfortable, into emotional neutrality and being with what IS

While witnessing that you are ALREADY free

And that there is nothing more you need to do, become, or heal to access your liberation

In here, we are dissolving the idea that you are broken to begin with

and restoring your feminine heart.

  • Has awareness that she has unresolved trauma or a dis-regulated Nervous System in some capacity

  • Desires to reconnect back her body and build a life anchored in self-belonging

  • Wants to deepen her relationship to the wisdom of her body, her self-trust and practice in attuning to her inner cues and needs

  • Has an interest in not just learning about but deeply embodying liberation and true freedom by going through The Gates Of Alchemy

  • Knows her inner child needs some tending to and is ready to show up for her

  • Desires to reconcile the identities, programming and distortions that have kept her disconnected from her truth, voice and power

  • Devoted to walking the path of trauma healing and self-healing

  • Is resourced + able to be in a collective rising and world-wide community of women committed to embodying the pillars of liberation

  • Feeling called to not only learn, process and be in conversation but to get INTO the body and somatically move stuck energy out and into the earth for transmutation

  • Seeking to feel at home again. To be safe in space. In presence. Stillness and simplicity

  • Craves to move in her leadership from this energy and weave the codes she unlocked through these gates into the foundation of her own business

do you feel called and convicted in THIS season of your remembering to alchemize your trauma and regulate your nervous system so you can return back to your truest essence and embody a more sovereign way of holding yourself?

join the waitlist, now

spots will be limited to keep the room intimate and ensure everyone feels seen and supported adequately

please note that signing up for the waitlist does not confirm nor secure your seat inside the upcoming cohort of Emotional Alchemy, but you will have access to an early enrolment period and waitlist-only bonuses

✨ once the cohort does open for enrolment, you will have access to all the details and next steps! ✨

“Processing my 10 weeks with Autumn I've realized I've been living like I was dead or close to it. 

Autumn helped me to learn to sit in my discomfort with my thoughts + feelings + to listen to what my body + mind needs in that moment. To let out the emotions instead of pushing them down. 

I now have many moments where I don't feel like a broken person, where I feel accepting of my where I am in my life, even if it isn't perfect because perfection isn't the goal. Sometimes I even feel so proud of how my body knew how to protect + help me survive all these years but also in her capabilities to adjust adapt when I asked her to. 

The detachment from the caretaking of others emotions + thoughts/opinions has really been transformational for me. I used to spend a lot of my time worrying about how I could help others/make them love me or see how much I loved them/ making up for how I felt like I didn't deserve or live up to my expectations of what I should be doing as a friend. Struggling with depression I have lost a lot of really good friends over the years for many reasons but it really messed with my psyche + how I showed up in relationships but I didn't have the true awareness or understanding of how I wasn't showing up when I thought I was. Until my work with Autumn I also didn't realize the expectation I placed internally on others to make me happy/feel valued/ accomplished etc. It's what was modeled to me growing up + the role I had in my family was caregiver/the person who should take the higher road/think about others before me/the one who was thoughtful, made people smile, helped out etc etc so I had a complete lack of personal responsibility for my emotions, I was always taught to think of others before taking care of me. 

I still struggle with really hard moments + intrusive thoughts, some days I still don't know if I want to live but I have gained so much acceptance + compassion for my struggles. Things feel less heavy + the dark cloud doesn't hang over me as long. I am able to reflect, sometimes even in the moment so I can tend to what I need inside + stop the downward spiral. The guilt, shame, embarrassment I felt in every.single.moment was crippling. From not feeling like I did enough during the day to feeling guilty for wanting to take a nap when exhausted because I wasn't doing anything to make me exhausted - Autumn truly helped me understand + accept slowing down + accepting what my body is asking without shame + guilt. 

I'm learning to listen to my body in a way I didn't think I could + I know I have so much more listening to do - + I finally feel okay with a journey that has no goal or end game other than to just be more aware of me. 

From a young age I was hooked into processes, rules, authority figures - I was always told my feelings, thoughts, emotions were too big, too dramatic, I was over reacting or just completely being invalidated when I spoke how I felt, having family tell me how I should feel, why what I was saying wasn't right. Nothing I ever felt, said or did was taken at face value. I've spent my life trying to justify and prove every action and claim I make because no one has ever shown a simple claim I've made can be trusted on its own. I won't say I have crossed this bridge to trusting in my own thoughts + emotions completely but I'm really able to unhook from what were the thoughts + words of someone else in my head + establishing my own sense of self within my mind. 

I feel like I have broken a cycle of 100 years of women before me. Generations of women before me would be so proud to see where they've led me + how I was able to take a path I think they all hoped they would find but didn't have the tools + awareness to do the work - but I know the ones still alive cannot hold me in a supportive, non judgemental, compassionate way because of the years of oppression they've gone through + the lack of support + non judgement they've had in their lives so I just hold in my heart they would be proud if they understood. 

Autumn, you have changed my life + helped me sit in awe of myself as I transform. I'm blown away that some days I am okay + comfortable living in my body in the here + now. 

Thank you for holding me in a space I didn't know truly existed. You've opened up something in me that will never cease to exist, TRUE compassion + the voice in my head that just keeps me in line with 'how am I doing + what do I need?'“